Warehouse logistics


Auditing company's logistics system

Evaluating company's occupational safety system


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Logistics Consulting

There is no universal description for a customer of consulting services. Most often, logistics consulting is ordered by companies that have been existing and operating for a long time (more than 2 to 3 years). Consequently, in its development, a company faces deficit of logistics resources. Often, a company's logistics system is incapable of meeting marketing requirements. Moreover, customer service function leaves much to be desired.

The most common logistics problems arising in developing companies include the following:

  • Shipped orders are not received by customers in time
  • There are mistakes in terms of quantity and product range as orders are fulfilled
  • Increased number of refused customers' orders
  • Customers are not satisfied with the level of logistics service
  • Warehouse stock is above standard amounts
  • Vehicles stand idle
  • Locating information about a shipped order requires much employees' effort and time
    management does not have all the necessary information about inventory stock
  • Logistics costs increase
  • High turnover of warehouse staff
  • Problems with branch network operation

If the above problems exist in the company, it should urgently think about its logistics system improvement. If the company lacks resources and knowledge to solve those problems, it makes sense to use third party logistics consulting services.

Such logistics consulting services are demanded when opening a new business.

Apart from consulting on improving efficiency of logistics organization, INTERSERVICE GROUP LOGISTIC offers management and other types of business consulting.

Auditing company's logistics system

Evaluating company's occupational safety system